About recruiting

Recruiting companies often get a bad rap because there are so many of them just spamming everyone all the time. But, as if to prove the main point, there are always exceptions, and I think I may have just found one.

While multitasking I am completing the registration process for Toptal. It actually looks great, I've heard good things from people in the industry, so I'm finally saying: why not? It seems they are all about the recruitment process, something which I have done and know first-hand how painful it can be, so I'm very curious to see how a big player does it (and, well, whether I fit into the top 3%).

My part in recruiting has always been technical. I had the task of asking unsuspecting developers to write a certain piece of software, right there in a Google doc, and evaluating their performance afterwards to come up with a (hopefully binary) recommendation. This is sometimes controversial, since you can't know for sure the candidate's abilities through a single high-pressure conversation, but it's often a good indicator, and when combined with other steps (interviews focused on soft skills, mini-projects sent as homework, etc.) it's more useful than not.

Recruitment is hard, and it's something I respect if done well. I'll follow up here if anything happens, good or bad.

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